Access to College Buildings

Access to College buildings after normal hours of operation is restricted except when the Student has a legitimate purpose and written authorization by a College faculty, staff or administrator.

Code Of Conduct

  • The Campus must be kept clean. All garbage/waste must be thrown in the dustbins.
  • No smoking, spitting, eating or chewing gum anywhere in the college premises. Resting feet on the wall is prohibited.
  • No loitering around in the corridors when the lectures are on.
  • Identity cards must be worn around the neck at all times while on the campus.
  • Students bearing invalid identity cards will be considered as non Bonafide.
  • Sitting on cars or vehicles parked in the college campus is prohibited.
  • Students shall do nothing either inside or outside the college that will in any way interfere with its orderly conduct and discipline.
  • Students are strictly prohibited from bringing any outsider to the college campus without prior written permission.
  • Students should observe and read information displayed on Notice Boards on a regular/daily basis in order to be informed / updated about instructions and information displayed for their benefit.
  • Students should deposit any lost property found by them in the college office. Owners of lost property should claim the same from the office counter with proper identification the very next day.
  • Use of mobile phone in class room / laboratory / corridor is strictly prohibited.
  • As per the Supreme Court ruling, Ragging in any form would be met with exemplary punishment student, if found guilty of ragging, would be expelled from the college. A student, if found guilty of ragging earlier, would not be admitted. Any other instruction issued from time to time by the college authorities


Students are expected to be on their best behaviour in the college, especially in the class room, courteous to all and polite to teachers. Students should avoid loitering in the corridors, sitting on staircases and converging at the corners. Care should be taken not to damage the furniture and belongings of the college. College premises, building as well as classes must be kept neat and tidy. Edibles (including chewing gum or mouth fresheners), drinks other than water, smoking and spitting are strictly prohibited in the college premises.

If a student's behaviour is found to be detrimental to the best interest or discipline of the college, the Principal may direct such a student to leave the college without assigning any reason. The Principal's decision in this matter is final and binding on the defaulter. Insubordination, use of unbecoming language of any kind and violation of any code of conduct of the educational institution will be considered as enough and sufficient cause for the expulsion of the student.

Attendance (75%)

Students are expected to attend all sessions of each course in which they are enrolled. The minimum attendance necessary for being eligible to appear for examination is 75% of the working days of each term taken separately, day's attendance means attendance in all lectures, tutorials, and practical’s. A student, whose attendance does not meet the above requirement of 75%, is liable to be debarred from the examination.

When a student cannot attend class due to illness or other extenuating reasons, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the class instructor immediately regarding the absence and discuss any required assignments. If a student is absent from the College continuously for more than 20 working days without any valid prior written intimation to the Principal or Vice-Principal(Degree College), the student is liable to have his/her name deleted from the Roll Call and General Register.

Identity Card

The College issues Identity & Library Cards to each and every bonafide student in the beginning of the academic year, which is valid only for that particular academic year.

If a student cancels the admission from the college, these cards and any other document or books belonging to the college must be surrendered along with the receipt, before applying for the Leaving Certificate.

If a student misplaces or loses the Identity Card this must be brought to the notice of the Principal immediately. If reasons for the loss are found excusable a duplicate Identity Card is issued to the student on a written request. Such student will be levied a fine of Rs. 100/-. If deemed necessary the student may be required to inform the Police Department about the loss.

Students are requested to wear the Identity Card around their neck, every day, in the college premises. This is not only a valid document for the entry to the college, but also for the examinations, library, laboratory, and classrooms and in fact anywhere in the college campus. Students are required to produce the identity card for random checking and verification by the staff members of the college. If asked for, the student must even surrender the identity Card to them courteously. Identity Card must be complete in all respects otherwise it will be treated as invalid.

Cell Phones

The use of cell phones during class interferes with the instructional process and is therefore prohibited. if you are caught using mobile phones , you will have to pay fine of Rs. 500 and it may lead to strict administrative action like rustication.

Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination, harassment and offensive conduct against any person, student, or staff member on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, creed, ancestry, familial status, age or disability, height, weight, sexual orientation, disability or veteran's status or other protected status through any mode of communication including, but not limited to, in person, in writing, through telephone, electronic mail or instant messaging is prohibited. Students should strive to maintain the secular and harmonious atmosphere of the college by refraining from indulging in any type of religious, communal or political activities in the college premises.


Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner. Students should dress keeping in mind the activity in which they are engaged in while on College property and when attending College-sponsored events.

Field Trips and College Sponsored Events/Activities

Organizations and individual students participating in College-sponsored activities, including field trips and athletic events, must abide by all College rules.