From Principal's Desk

Ms.Sanju Kumari Yadav

Dear Parents and Students,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to our college’s website.

S.K Rai college of Arts, Science and commerce, endowed with progressive futuristic outlook, aims continual growth in the quality of all academic and co-curricular activities with a sense of commitment to fully meet the expectations of the students, parents and the society at large. As the Principal, I am hugely impressed by the commitment of the college to the provision of all-round education for the young generation.

Under my leadership, and as a team working together, we aim to promote education which is beyond just awarding a degree and certificate to the students. I am a strong believer of the overall development and excellent all-round education of the children which includes development of requisite values, required skills and their best possible academic performance keeping their individual differences and potentialities in mind.

In the development of requisite values, a positive and disciplined classroom environment plays an important role. So, for the attainment of this objective, as a Principal all my support is extended to provide an environment where everyone is treated equally on all grounds and time to time, light on the ethical, moral and social values are thrown so that our students develop into ideal individuals and true citizens of this country.

I am a stronger supporter of child- centred education and in order to help the children perform to their best possible extent in academics, all tools available are used to inspire the staff, the students and the community to work together to promote students’ achievement and wellbeing. Considering the individual differences of children, all the requisite support are extended to provide a classroom ambience where errors are welcome, student engagement is the norm, questioning is high and students gain reputations as effective learners. To provide quality teaching and learning for each student we continuously examine our practices and take as much effort as possible for the betterment of academic scenario.

Being an individual for whom the ability to be innovative and creative is important and who enjoy being challenged and inspired by the people around, I aim to enthuse and challenge staff and students also to be inventive and imaginative in their learning and day to day tasks. At our institution it is made sure that the students are given a platform where they could show case their existing skills and we as a team are always in search of occasions where students could be given opportunities where they could develop skills beyond the knowledge of subjects such as social skills, intellectual skills and innovative approach towards various aspects of life. We also believe in empowering our children in such a manner that they act as representatives of a meaningful and value-based society. Our pedagogy which is holistic and comprehensive complements this. We have a team of fabulous faculty members who display boundless energy and intense commitment which keeps the ethos of our institute shining bright.

At S.K Rai college of Arts, Science and commerce, we enjoy celebrating successes and acknowledge the hard work of staff, students and believe this is one of the contributors fundamental to a happy college environment where all staff, students and community should feel valued and appreciated.

I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.


Ms.Sanju Kumari Yadav
S.K Rai Junior College of Arts, Science and Commerce