
The Institute has well equipped class rooms with CCTV camera, green board, black board and LCD Projectors, which are used for seminars, power point presentation or any subject materials lesson planning.

Information Technology Lab

The college has a modern & advanced computing facility the objective of college has always been to be in the forefront of utilisation of Information Technology & to leverage the power of Information Technology in making learning informative & effective. The entire network rest on four (Firewall, Internet, Mail, Attachments file & Print) servers. Latest software is available to enable the students to work on data analysis and web technologies.

Science Laboratories

The college has well equipped Physics, Biology and Chemistry labs with latest equipments such as beakers, burners, and other tools necessary to complete experiments. The college strongly believes in laboratory teaching which assumes that the first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of science is superior to other methods of developing understanding and appreciation. The well-equipped and well-designed laboratories facility of the college provide ideal learning place for our students.


Reading increases the drive for knowledge & inspires Individuals to gain more information. At our library there exist a large number of Reference books, Journals & Educational Magazines that provide information about wide ranging subjects for students to understand the concepts in their curriculum.

College Premises