The Senior College is affiliated to University of Mumbai and offers under-graduate programmes in Commerce (B.Com).The B.Com classes are conducted in the morning session

The details of the programmes are given below:
Bachelor of Commerce Programme: (Semester Pattern)


Rules of Admission to T.Y.B.Com.

In-House students who have passed S.Y.B.Com or have ATKT either in F.Y.B.Com. or S.Y.B.Com. are eligible for admission to the T.Y.B.Com. However those students who have A.T.K.T in F.Y.B.Com as well as in S.Y.B.Com. are not eligible for admission to T.Y.B.Com as per the University of Mumbai rules. Outside students will be admitted as per merit depending on the availability of the seats.

Subjects for T.Y.B.COM.

Third Year Semester V Third Year Semester VI
  • Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper-VII: Financial Accounting
  • Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper-VIII: Cost Accounting
  • Commerce–V
  • Business Economics-V
  • Direct and Indirect taxation Paper I
  • Export Marketing I / Computer Application
  • Financial Accounting and Auditing IX - Financial Accounting
  • Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper X- Cost Accounting
  • Commerce–VI
  • Business Economics-VI
  • Direct and Indirect taxation Paper II
  • Exports Export Marketing Ii/ Computer Application

Documents Required

Similar documents as required for admission to S.Y.B.Com.

Original copy of No Objection Certificate/ Transfer Certificate in case of students who belong to other college affiliated to the University of Mumbai, but seeking admission to T.Y.B.Com.

Examination and Evaluation

TYBCOM external examination for 75 marks is conducted by University of Mumbai and internal assessment for 25 marks is conducted by the college.